Photo Credit: WWE

Triple H Compares Fitting War Games In The CWC To ‘Putting A Ship In A Bottle’ And Buying A New Car

Triple H is excited to see everything that’s possible inside the Capitol Wrestling Center.

Triple H took part in an NXT TakeOver post-show media call on Sunday night and was asked about the logistics of fitting the War Games structure inside the CWC. He said that he was very impressed with how it all came together and said it was definitely something they talked about while the CWC was still being planned out.

“It’s a little bit like putting a ship in a bottle. I don’t know how they do it, it’s just really cool when it’s in there. As we were building out the CWC and as that decision was made to do it and the teams all came together to build it out, one of the questions we had was, ‘War Games is around the corner, what do we do?’

HHH said there was a lot of discussion about how they could do the event if they could get the War Games structure in the CWC, giving credit to the WWE TV production team for making it come together.

“[That team] is second-to-none to anyone in the world. Kevin Dunn’s team, across the board, even the guys that work here on the digital production stuff, I just can’t say enough. Sometimes we put these shows together and the story packages come together and I’m in awe at what they do and how they put it together.

Related: WWE NXT TakeOver WarGames Results (12/6/20)

Triple H continued, “They do what they do and it’s magical. They showed it to me in the design format and I was like, ‘Holy cow, I can’t believe you guys can do this!’ and then you get here today. The difficult part about the Capitol Wrestling Center itself—still to this day, I feel like I brought a brand new car and I’ve got the manual, but I’m still trying to figure out what all of the buttons do. There’s just so many things in here that we can do. We have to figure out how to use the walls, the video, we have to figure out how to use different lights and you’re just constantly evolving it. Again, it’s like having a brand new car where we’re three months into and you touch a button and it’s like, ‘oh my God, I didn’t know it did that.’ It’s really cool. Tonight they put War Games in here and production-wise, I thought we did a great job with it and the team did amazing. Do I think it will be better? Yeah. Do I think there’s a lot of things I would have done differently? Yes. Until you’re doing it live and there’s people in the ring and it’s actually going down… you’ve got to drive the car to figure out how it all works. Tonight we drove the car and I thought it was amazing. They did a phenomenal job of putting it all together and I look forward to doing it again.

Triple H closed by saying he can’t praise the WWE production team enough for making it all happen. Check out the full call at the top of this post.

Read More: Possible Broken Arm For Candice LeRae, Injury Update On Bobby Fish After NXT TakeOver War Games