MLW Fusion results
Credit: MLW

MLW Fusion Results: Davey Boy Smith Jr vs. Low Ki, Laredo Kid vs. ACH In Opera Cup Action

It’s Low Ki taking on Davey Boy Smith on tonight’s MLW Fusion presented by to continue the first round of the 2020 Opera Cup . This is a rematch that has been a year in the making and The Lone Wolf Of Brooklyn will no doubt be aiming to move forward after his loss to DBS last year, but Davey Boy has the true heart of a bulldog and he wants his name etched on that heralded trophy once more.

The feed suddenly cuts and we see Josef Samael who mocks the families at home this past week for enjoying their chemically injected birds at Thanksgiving. In the heart of Mongolia, CONTRA’s soldiers are training for their next fight, but tonight we will see the black hand of CONTRA in action. Samael states that he has caused terror from South Africa to The Baltics and his name is Mads Krugger. Will he stab another CONTRA flag into the canvas of MLW? “The suffering has only just begun…”

Finally, the feed gets cut back and we see the 2020 Opera Cup bracket. Now it’s AAA Lucha Libre’s Laredo Kid taking on a returning ACH.

2020 Opera Cup Tournament Match (Opening Round)
Laredo Kid vs. ACH

Before the match, Laredo Kid says he’s going to advance because he’s the most complete luchadore in Lucha Libre. ACH thinks Laredo Kid is fantastic, but he’s not too familiar with his work. That gets ACH excited as he’s ready for the challenge and wants to see LK at his best.

Bell rings and the two stars lock up. ACH takes advantage with an arm wrench and grounds LK, but there’s that lucha libre coming into play. He escapes and gets the leverage, but ACH does the same and the two go back and forth with their own pin attempts. LK flips to his feet and gets a competitive shove from ACH.

Side headlock by Laredo Kid who then turns it into a shoulder block. He catches ACH with a savate kick in the gut. Action goes to the apron and a kick to forehead dizzies ACH. Laredo leaps back into the ring with a shotgun dropkick and ACH goes to the outside. LK sizes him up and then leaps off with an inside out moonsault onto the floor!

LK shoots ACH back onto the canvas and goes for a cover, but it’s only good for one. He doesn’t relent and corners ACH, giving him a crisp slap across the jaw. The two find themselves at the same apron once more, but this time ACH makes the most of it with a crisp punt to the mush of LK.

Even ACH felt the impact of that one, but he stays on top with a snap suplex to the outside.

Back in the ring, LK fights ACH off, but a low dropkick and double foot back stomp gets a pin attempt for Austin, Texas’ own. Big back breaker by ACH. Cover for two. LK elbows ACH to fend him off, but ACH reads it out and capitalizes with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. ACH looking mighty crisp tonight.

A shot to the back gives ACH a little opportunity to shimmy. Laredo KId, however, makes him pay with a series of kicks. The veteran ACH reads it and springboards off the ropes for a dropkick, sending LK crashing into the steps on the outside. LK has has bearings still and trips up ACH on the apron. This allows him to hit a cross body and a lariat on ACH. LK hits “two amigos” before adjusting for a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall.

ACH takes a back elbow from LK and it allows him to go for a cross body, but ACH rolls through it and gives LK a modified swinging fallaway slam. ACH favors his back and when he goes for a suplex, but LK turns the offense in his favor for a Michinoku Driver. He then hits not one, but two moonsaults on ACH – cover: 1-2-no!

LK slaps ACH in the corner, but the two jock for position up top. LK attempts a superplex, but ACH rolls over for a powerbomb. LK holds on, but ACH waits briefly to catch LK off guard to execute that major powerbomb! Cover, but somehow LK kicks out.

It’s not long before the two trade forearms LK tries to scout a backhand and covers up. This allows ACH to kick LK in the gut and leads the action to the corner. Both men find themselves on the ropes and on the turnbuckle. It’s LK making the most of it by leaping off with a major cutter. Both men are down for awhile until LK covers, but by that point it’s only good for a one count.

LK ascends once more, but a sharp kick to the head knocks Laredo Kid down and ACH hits his “Spirit Bomb” brainbuster for the three count!

WINNER and ADVANCING in The Opera Cup: ACH

“I am the new game and I proved it tonight. Show me my next opponent. I’m f*cking hungry,” ACH says post-match as he’ll be taking on Tom Lawlor in the semi-finals.

Speaking of, Tom Lawlor is proud to announce that the MLW Tag Division is going to advance with Dominic Garrini and Team Filthy’s newest member, Kevin Ku. As always with Team Filthy “Violence Is Forever” and that’s Ku and Garrini’s name as they make their partnership powerful next week.

We get a message from the very top of the tag division, The Von Erichs. CONTRA called out all champions and quite frankly, they take offense to that. Marshall may have murdered a shark in his sleep with The Caw with some “Claw withdrawal.” The brothers are coming for CONTRA and they aren’t to be taken lightly and we learn later on that they will be defending their Tag Team Titles against Simon Gotch and Jacob Fatu next week!

MLW has been wondering the whereabouts of Salina de la Renta and we find that she’s in Mexico City. She has a little bit of business and revenge to take care of. She doesn’t think Konnan is going to like this one and brandishes a blade as she says some threatening words to her adversary.

Mads Krugger vs. Ariel Dominguez

Dominguez looks mighty wary as the bell rings and tries to figure out the best route to take against CONTRA’s Black Hand. He soon finds that the answer to that is that there is no answer. Krugger flings Ariel around. Ariel manages to avoid Krugger’s charge, but makes a mistake when he leaps off the rope. Krugger catches fiercely by the throat and faceplants him down hard for the victory.

WINNER: Mads Krugger

Post-match, the Sentai Death Squad come out and just like they did to CIMA back in Philadelphia, the insurgents body bag Dominguez. It’s Mads with the finishing touches as he draps CONTRA’s flag over the body bag before CONTRA exits.

We see Rich Holliday reflecting on his Opera Cup victory against TJP from last week. He dedicates that win to his boy Alexander Hammerstone, but Holliday is insulted by the mere idea of Gino Medina’s implication at interference. Now he’s either going to face Low Ki or Davey Boy. Either way, he’s going to dedicate his second round match to Hammer once more. The Dynasty is indeed forever, but now it’s main event time as we finalize the first round of the 2020 Opera Cup

2020 Opera Cup Tournament Match (Opening Round)
Low Ki vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Low Ki pats the Opera Cup in respect as he walks by the silver prize. Davey looks determined as ever as he enters.

Both men size one another up before shaking hands. Low Ki looks to be aiming for the legs, but Davey Boy’s height makes Ki re-adjust his gameplan. The two once more exchange hand slaps and Davey has Low Ki in a standing switch. He powers him onto the apron. Rich Bocchini makes note of Low Ki being a knock out artist which could certainly be a factor. Davey downs Low Ki in the ring and the mat game soon gets going. Davey feeds the knee into the downed Low Ki as the two work one another back and forth on the mat. Both men find themselves to their feet after a brief pin attempt. Low Ki sweeps the massive legs of Davey Boy to work the left ankle, but DBS rolls free. Strong snapmare followed by a tight headlock on the ground by Davey. The Bulldog looks to wear Low Ki down.

Low Ki gets to his feet briefly but Davey Boy flips him down. Two count. The competitors arms’ are intertwined and Low Ki rolls DB up for a two count. Smith continues to lock the leg, but Low Ki escapes and both men are at a vertical base once more. Sharp kicks by Low Ki and capitalizes with a dragon screw leg whip.

The ref tries to give him a bit of a breather, but The Lethal Weapon Low Ki does not relent and continues to attack the leg. He boots DB down and the two find themselves in a suplex lock-up. The much powerful DB gets the better of it and gives a hard snap suplex. Two count. DB stomps at the ribs of Low Ki. He smashes Ki’s face into the turnbuckle but that only fires Ki up and sends DB in the opposite corner. Some really harsh elbows by Low Ki which forces Davey to fling him off to the outside. The two brawl on the outside but the referee prompts the two men to answer the 20 count. DB obliges and steps on the fingers of Low Ki. Big vert suplex from the apron by Davey Boy for a two count. Davey bounces the shoulder of Low Ki and then busts it off the mat. Nonetheless, Low Ki says he’s “still in,” but Davey continues to wear down the arm. A rope break gives Ki a bit of a reprieve. A kick to the sternum to Low Ki in the corner before he chokes him with his boot, Davey Boy then flips over to torque Ki’s shoulder. He covers for a two count.

Low Ki looks to be in trouble as DB hits him with an elbow, but DB nearly gets caught with a crucifix pin attempt. That doesn’t waver Smith’s gameplan and still focuses on the left arm specifically with a wrist lock. He levels Low Ki with a shoulder block. A pin attempt before he locks in another wrist lock.

Davey hits a Russian Sickle on Low Ki and then hoists him up by the shoulder to slam him down. DB goes for a suplex, but Low Ki turns it into a roll up for a near fall. Davey stays on the offensive who is a bit fired up. DB lands a big German before dusting his hands off. Pin attempt. Only two.

DB stays true to his mat style and wrenches the hand of Low Ki before sizing him up for another German, but this time Low Ki lands on his feet and stomps on a downed Davey!

This gives Ki a bit of time to recover and soon utilizes the ropes for a springboard leg whip. He tries to tie Davey up and does so in an impressive modified octopus. Dave does all he can to escape and even bites the leg of Low Ki, but ultimately a rope break frees The Bulldog. Ki hits a flurry of kicks before nailing DB hard with a running shotgun dropkick. Ki covers, but Davey kicks out. Ki can’t believe it.

Low Ki climbs up top but DB meets him there. Ki tries to elude with a handstand of sorts and shoves Davey off. Low Ki leaps off with his foot stomp, Davey rolls and catches him with a powerslam. 1-2-no! Davey takes out his mouth guard and means business. Low Ki, however, catches DB on the shoulders with his guillotine choke reminiscent of last year’s battle. Davey Boy looks to be fading and Low Ki seizes the moment to put all his weight on top of DB to roll him up for the unexpected victory!


Post-match, the always respectful Davey Boy Smith raises Low Ki’s arm in a moment of solidarity. Low Ki advances to face Richard Holliday in the semi-finals while Davey Boy Smith Jr. will not be acquiring a second Opera Cup.

Low Ki says that sports competition is what it’s all about in MLW and he just defeated one of the top heavyweights in the league in Davey Boy Smith Jr. The lineage in the Opera Cup can’t be matched. “Gameplan – pinfall, submission, go to sleep, you always have options,” states The Lone Wolf before walking off.

Related: Davey Boy Smith Jr. Leaving MLW After Opera Cup Loss, Court Bauer Thanks Him For His Contributions