IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (12/1/20)

IMPACT Wrestling, December 1, 2020
Commentators: Josh Matthews & Madison Rayne

Motor City Machine Guns start off this week’s episode with a mighty special grudge match as Alex Shelley looks ready to roll after his recent injury.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. XXXL

Bell rings and MCMG immediately attack XXXL. Acey isolates Sabin and Shelley seizes Larry. MCMG make them pay in the corner and get them both on the outside. Sabin topes on the two. Shelley takes it to Larry D as the legal men before taggin in Sabin who comes off with a double axe handle to the arm. Alex tries to do the same, but Larry gives Shelley a shot to the gut. Tag to Acey who delivers some European uppercuts. Shelley fires back and goes for a bodyslam, but no avail and tags in Sabin. Sabin tries to do the same but no dice and Acey does it to him instead.

Shelley blind tags himself in and stereo enziguris dizzy Acey. Double team attacks on Acey in the corner, but Acey catches Shelley and spinebusters him down Farooq style.

Tag to Larry D and the two mountains work on Shelley. They stretch Alex in the middle of the ring as Sabin comes in for the save but they boot him away. Kick to the head of Shelley gets a cover, but Alex gets his foot on the ropes. Alex forearms Larry but Acey kicks him in the back. Tag to Acey and XXXL sandwich him dead center in the ring. Acey with a big senton and Sabin has to break up the cover. Larry gets tossed to the outside and MCMG take down Acey with a sliced bread. Tag to Sabin and tag to Larry D. Larry takes some shots and Sabin finally downs him with a DDT. The two hit flatliner dropkick double team. Larry however powers Sabin to the corner and that sets him up for backbreaker elbow combo by Acey. Cover, two count. They want to squash Sabin as they look to sandwich him, but Sabin avoids and grabs some offense until Acey uranages him down. Larry goes for a splash, but Sabin rolls away and tags in Alex. Double team bulldog by MCMG followed by a pair of superkicks on Larry. Double suplex on Acey. Two stereo kicks to Larry and the MCMG hit their sleep splash finisher for that well-earned W.

WINNERS: Motor City Machine Guns

Josh Matthews reveals that Eddie Edwards isn’t here tonight as we see Shamrock and Sami Callihan try to enter the arena. Scott D’Amore is irate and suspends Shamrock for 30 days. Sami settles Ken down but Shamrock assures Scott he’s going to lay his hands on someone when he returns.

Back from break, Larry D is confronted by John E. Bravo after being shot by “Lawrence D.” Larry begins to choke John, but in comes Tommy Dreamer to threaten Bravo who says he’s a certified cop now. He says he knows that Larry shot Bravo. Larry says he was set up. Tommy says if that’s the case they gotta go downtown to the authorities. Larry slugs Dreamer hard and he’s out cold. Bravo enters and he screams in anguish at the fallen Dreamer.

Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament (Round 1)
Renee Michelle & Killer Kelly vs. Jordynne Grace & Jazz

Grace pays the respect and holds the ropes for Jazz as she enters the ring. Grace and Kelly start things off with some swift mat work. Leg sweeps a-plenty. Shoulder block by Grace. The two exchange pin attempts before getting to their feet. Tag to Renee and tag to Jazz. Lock up and standing switch to Renee before getting crossface punched by Jazz. Cover attempt, but kick out at one. Jazz wrenches the arm and tag to Grace. Double axe handle and the two stars shoulder tackle Renee down. Grace continues the offense. Back elbow by Renee Michelle puts Grace on the apron and we go to break.

Back from it, Renee is in the corner choking Grace with her boot. Snapmare followed by a knee to the back and a headlock. Grace fights to her feet briefly, but Renee grounds her again and then tags in Kelly. She goes for German, but nothing happening. Kelly punts Grace down for a pin attempt, but a kick out. Kelly ground and pounds Grace before having a grin on her face. Tag back to Renee and the two IMPACT rookies isolate Grace. Kelly gets tagged back in and continues her offensive fight against Grace. Big time spine buster by Grace levels the playing field and Jordynne tags in Jazz who wrecks both foes with several lariats. It’s Jazz and Kelly in the ring and Jazz drops her with some jabs. Cover and then a pin attempt. Kick out at two. Tag to Grace who hits Kelly with several forearms, before Kelly catches both arms and headbutts her. Running dropkick in the corner by Kelly for a cover, but Grace has her foot on the ropes.

She and Jordynne trade shots and Grace hits a Grace Driver, but Renee saves. Grace tags in Jazz and pancakes Kelly, but Renee blind tagged herself in. Facebuster by Jazz gets the W for the newly formed team. They’ll be facing Havok and Nevaeh in the semi-finals

WINNERS and ADVANCING: Jordynne Grace & Jazz

Ethan Page ain’t pleased with last week’s results of losing to Swoggle 1-2-3 in the ring. Page actually has a plan to fix it all. Anderson already thinks that he’s the one who took out Gallows, well he’d be right. It was him. Anderson can fix it all by fighting Ethan at Final Resolution. He wants a match against him and if Ethan wins, The North get the title shot they deserve. Will he accept to get his revenge?

Alisha Edwards looks antsy as Tenille and Kaleb with a K enter, but don’t realize she’s distracted. That all becomes clear as Alisha jumps on Sami Callihan for attacking her husband Eddie.

Johnny Swinger vs. Cody Deaner (with Cousin Jake)

Quick lock-up and it’s Johnny who takes some shots before gloating. That gives Deaner the opp to attack and stomps at Swinger in the corner. Out comes Eric Young and Joe Doering who attack Cousin Jake on the outside. They clothesline Deaner and the bell rings. Swinger goes to celebrate with the attackers but Doering slams him down too. Piledriver by EY onto Deaner before he grabs the mic. “This will go on until your eyes are open,” says EY. They are the cure and the sickness will be fixed by them. This world belongs to them, not to anybody else. He repeats this several times.


Deonna and Kimber Lee approach James Mitchell asking if he turned Su Yung into Suzie. This isn’t exactly a fast process. Deonna thinks they can lure her out to the ring and we cut to break.

Back from break, The Deaners are pissed backstage. Eric Young is treating them like curtain jerking nobodies. Jake says they always get back up and they’re going to fix this. Cody says with all due respect, this is about him and it’s personal. EY was with him the first day of wrestling school, on the road and everything. They used to be family. Now in his eyes, he’s a nobody. He will let himself be treated like a nobody and challenges Eric Young next week.

Out come Deonna Purrazzo and Kimber Lee. Su Yung has been haunting them. Yung likes to talk how their time has come, well her time has come tonight. If Yung wants that rematch for the Knockouts Title, she best comes out here right now. Sure enough, Su answers. Deonna and Lee exit the ring in apprehension. Out comes James Mitchell. Su Yung has been nothing but a thorn in his side and tonight she will pay for her sins. Out come several bridesmaids all zombified like as they surround the outside of the ring. Su looks ready to fight and Deonna comes in and attacks Su. She gets a headbutt for her troubles and Kimber goes to save her, but Su seeks attack on her. She goes to mist Deonna, but Deonna grabs her by the throat causing Su to choke on her poison. Gotch piledriver by Deonna and the bridesmaids seize Su. They carry her off as Mitchell maniacally laughs. Purrazzo and Lee look relieved.

Moose makes note of Bey’s ability to make himself the number one contender. Bey thinks Moose wants some finesse and is seeking a title shot after he wins the belt. Moose isn’t about finesse. If Bey does become successful and beats Swann, then Moose lets him know he’ll take it from him. “Good luck.”

Gia Miller is interrupted by Karl Anderson. He says Ethan Page is losing his mind. He heard his challenge and normally he wouldn’t take it considering they beat The North several times, but since he attacked Gallows, he’s going to accept. He’s got friends too. “I’ll see ya there.”

X-Division Championship
Crazzy Steve vs. Rohit Raju (c)

Steve corners the monkey and Rohit comes charging. Two school boys by Steve, but Rohit soon goes for that powder. He does things on his time.

Rohit goes to kick Steve but his leg gets caught and the two trade standing switches. Steve snapmares and twists Rohit’s neck with his ankles. Steve gives Rohit the upside down before releasing it before five. He bites the arm of Rohit several times. Rohit sends him into the ropes and gives Steve a jumping flatliner for a near fall. We go to break.

Back from break, Rohit punts Steve hard in the center of the ring. Kicks by Rohit in the corner before he returns the favor of biting Steve on the forehead. Rohit rolls the dice and hits a fisherman’s suplex for a two count.

He kicks at Steve before strangling him over the second rope. Rohit calls himself the best X-Division Champion in this lifetime. He continues his underhanded onslaught. Steve gets smashed in the corner again and Rohit hits a snap float over for a two count. Rohit wrenches the arm and Steve fights to a vertical base. A flurry of shots by Raju downs Steve, but Steve pops up Taker style and begins a flurry of lariats. Steve connects with a modified DDT off the apron and then hits a cross body back in the ring for a two count.

Jumping high knee by Rohit. He goes for a bodyslam, but Steve rolls free and locks in a grounded octopus stretch. Rohit looks near submission but he fights his way to the ropes and gets the break. Steve gets rocked, but goes for a crucifix pin, Rohit manages to sit down on top and use the ropes for leverage to get the dirty W.

WINNER and STILL X-Division Champion: Rohit Raju

Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan are celebrating their win last week and then talk up the wad of cash they got from Fallah Bahh. Fallah walks in and says “We’re not Gucci. You girls stole my money.” Evidence? He shared it on Twitter. Kiera admits to it, but Tasha hides it behind her back. She and Kiera trade it back and forth as Fallah looks for it. Next week he’s coming for that dough. A coughing Swinger comes in to proposition the two for a “two for one” deal. Steelz makes some 80’s references before they both walk off leaving Swinger at his lonesome.

Steve is crazy backstage as TJP walks in. TJP says he almost had the win and in walks Brian Myers who says he told them so. They thought a blind circus clown was going to be X-Division Champ? TJP challenges him to a match and Myers accepts.

Chris Bey vs. Willie Mack

Bey looks all kinds of confident as Mack and he aim to test of strength. Bey slaps Willie and Mack makes him pay with a hard one. Mack corners him with stomps. Hard chop by Mack in the corner. Willie fakes a chop and makes Bey pay in the corner.

Bey rolls over Mack from the outside but Willie Thesz presses him and Stone Colds Bey on the canvas. Willie soons avoids a dive by Bey on the outside and turns it into a backbreaker on the apron. Willie goes to springboard on top of Bey, but Bey holds Willie’s leg. Bey takes out the knee of Willie to send the big man tumbling to the outside. We go to the final break of the evening.

Bey is focusing on Willie’s knee. Spinning deathlock by Bey. He continues to torque Willie’s leg but Willie slaps himself free. Bey goes for a top rope cross body but Willie catches him for a fallaway attempt. Bey flips out of it and takes out Willie’s knee. Single leg crab by Bey. Willie fights to get to the ropes but he can’t. Bey turns him around for leverage and tries to flip him back, but Willie legs him off. Mack begins to fight back. Hard shots from Willie but Bey kicks him in the knee. Despite that, Mack clotheslines him and Willie takes time on the canvas to favor his badly hurt knee. Back elbows by Willie which is punctuated by a bodyslam. Willie sacrifices his own knee by dropping it onto Bey. He covers and gets a two count.

Bey gets to his feet first and Willie goes for a stunner, but Bey rolls him up for a two count. Canadian destroyer by Bey gets another close call.

Willie catches the boot of Bey who slaps Willie. Willie boosts Bey up for hard shot to the mush before hitting his stunner for the victory.

WINNER: Willie Mack

Post-match, Moose spears Mack, but out comes Rich Swann to send Moose scampering. Bey however jumps in on Swann with the Art of Finesse. He holds up the IMPACT World Championship in the middle of the ring as Swann lays at his feet.