WWE Clash of Champions Results

WWE Clash of Champions Results (9/27/20)

WWE Clash of Champions Results 
September 27, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Kickoff Show:

SmackDown Tag Team Championship Match: Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Lucha House Party

Cesaro tosses Lince Dorado around the ring. STO by Cesaro. Dorado surprises Cesaro with a head-scissors. Kalisto tags in and lands a splash. Dorado does the same. Dorado floors Cesaro with a top rope dropkick. Cesaro tags in Nakamura. Nakamura runs into a boot by Dorado. Nakamura boots Dorado off the top rope. Nakamura and Cesaro take turns working over Dorado. Dorado manages to tag in Kalisto. Kalisto blasts Cesaro with a head-scissors into a DDT. Nakamura breaks up the pin. Kalisto tries a diving DDT to the outside. Cesaro puts on the breaks. Dorado dives through the rope and his momentum carries Kalisto into his DDT. Dorado and Kalisto land a series of moonsaults on Cesaro. Cesaro kicks out. Nakamura drags Dorado off the apron. Nakamura launches Dorado into the barricade. Nakamura reverses exploded suplexes Dorado onto the barricade. Cesaro swings Kalisto as Nakamura hits a Kinshasa for the win.

Winners and STILL SmackDown Tag Team Champions, Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura!

WWE Clash of Champions Live Results Continues On The Next Page!