WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (7/31/20)

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
July 31, 2020
Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

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Backstage, Bayley says the era of Sasha Banks and Bayley will continue tonight when she beats Nikki Cross. Elsewhere, Cross, with Alexa Bliss by her side, vows to knock Bayley off her high horse. Big E says Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods are with him in spirir. The Miz and John Morrison laugh off the idea of Big E being successful on her own. Lacey Evans says she’ll give Naomi the beating she deserves. Naomi says she’s going to beat Evans senseless. AJ Styles says SmackDown is the house that AJ Styles built, and he’ll prove why that’s the case tonight against Gran Metalik.

Firefly Funhouse: Bray Wyatt says he was searching for Braun Strowman in the swamp. He says part of Strowman will always be trapped in the swamp. “I never wanted to hurt Braun Strowman,” Wyatt says. He said he only wanted to help him. Wyatt says The Fiend is awake, and he wants something Braun has. Until he gets what he wants, nobody is safe.

WWE Intercontinental Championship: AJ Styles (c) vs. Gran Metalik (with Lince Dorado)

Metalik and Styles lock up and feel each other out. Styles gains the upper hand and grounds Metalik. The champion chops Metalik and drops him with a backbreaker. Styles plants Metalik with a vertical suplex. Styles dominates the match early on. Metalik rallies and sends Styles out of the ring. Styles takes out Metalik’s leg and regains control. Metalik chops Styles’ leg and he crashes onto the apron. A hurricanrana onto the floor gives Metalik some momentum. Metalik hits a diving crossbody for a two count.

Styles counters a monkey flip and again squashes Metalik’s momentum. The champion targets Metalik’s leg and hits an anklebreaker. Styles wrenches on Metalik’s ankle. Metalik nearly steals the win with a roll-up. A spinning DDT earns Metalik a two count. A dropkick off the ropes earns Metalik another two count. Metalik tweaks his knee and Styles floors Metalik with a flurry of strikes and a clothesline. Metalik dodges a Phenomenal Forearm and rocks Styles with a kick to the head. Styles chop-blocks Metalik in mid-air. Styles in the Calf Crusher and Metalik taps out.

Winner and still WWE Intercontinental Champion: AJ Styles

Dorado checks on Metalik, and Styles attacks him from behind. The champion plants Dorado with a Styles Clash.

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!