IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (6/2/20)

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Kylie Rae and Susie vs. Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz

Steelz and Hogan trash talk Rae and Susie. Steelz takes down Rae. Rae tags in Susie, who seemed to just be waving hello and not looking for a tag. Steelz taunts Susie. Susie slaps Steelz and tells her what she is doing is bad. Steelz is livid. Hogan asks for a tag. Susie takes Hogan over with a headlock. Rae and Susie double bulldog Hogan.

After a sneak attack, Steelz and Hogan work over Susie. Susie manages to tag in Rae, who clears the ring. Rae catches Hogan in the Kylie special but Hogan kicks out. Susie tags in and eats a code breaker by Steelz. Rae superkicks Steelz. Hogan kicks Rae in the head. Hogan puts Susie on the top rope. Steelz takes Susie off the top with a ranna. Hogan hits her finish on Susie for the win.

Winners- Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz

Joseph P. Ryan w/ oVe vs. Crazzy Steve

Steve clotheslines Ryan multiple times. Steve hits the ropes and runs right into a dropkick by Ryan. Ryan works over Steve. Steve fires up. After a distraction from Jake Crist, Ryan lands a superkick for the win.

Winner- Joseph P. Ryan

After the match, Ryan asks the Crist brothers if they want to join Cancel Culture. Ryan says he needs Jake to show that he will put Cancel Culture in front of everything and everyone. Ryan tells Jake to do it for the culture. Dave pleads with Jake. Jake kicks Dave in the face.

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