best inanimate objects in pro wrestling history
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Al Snow Fundraising For Shad Gaspard’s Family With New Shirt

The passing of Shad Gaspard after his heroic actions last weeks shook the wrestling industries. Stars from everywhere have already donated to Shad’s family, and those with more means are doing their part as well. It seems only fitting to report today that Al Snow has a Shad Gaspard shirt up for sale through his Collar and Elbow Brand, with the proceeds going directly to help his loved ones.

Snow talked with Bill Apter about the shirt, saying through tears how much the departed wrestler meant to him. Shad was one of the wrestlers brought in to developmental by Snow, and he felt the loss personally when it was announced.

The design of the shirt is fashioned after a famous design by Mike Tyson that Shad loved to wear. Here’s hoping we see plenty of these designs when arenas open up for fans again one day in the future.

RELATED: Anonymous Donor Says ‘CTC RIP,’ Donates $40K To Shad Gaspard’s Family