WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Live Results (8/7/19)

WWE NXT Live Results
August 7, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s NXT Live Results

NXT Tag Team Championship Contract Signing

William Regal is officiating the contract sighing. The NXT Tag Team Champions The Street Profits and the Undisputed Era join Regal in the ring. The UE says the Street Profits are not on the same level as the UE. Fish calls the Profits a joke. Ford says the UE has probably beaten every tag team in NXT history. Dawkins says the UE may be greatest tag team in NXT history. Ford says now that they are on top, losing is not an option for them. They are going to whip the UE’s ass at TakeOver.

Shane Thorne vs. Joaquin Wilde

Wilde mocks Thorne after tripping him. Thorne and Wilde trade armbars and kip ups. Wilde floors Thrown with a dropkick. Thorne reverses Wilde’s guillotine into a brainbuster. Buckshot clothesline by Wilde. Leapfrog back elbow by Wilde. Throne pops up to the middle rope. Wilde grabs Thorne and powerbombs him off the turnbuckle. Throne kicks out. Thorne lands a spinning European uppercut. Wilde lands a few dives. Thorne eventually lands the Regal Knee for the win.

Winner- Shane Thorne

Matt Riddle vs. Killian Dain

Dain attacks Riddle on his way to the ring. Dain obliterates Riddle with a running cross-body. Riddle falls into the ringsteps. Dain crushes Riddle against the ring steps with a cannonball.

Winner- No Contest



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