brandi rhodes
Photo Credit: Dominic DeAngelo

Brandi Rhodes On Winning Her AEW Debut Match, Awesome Kong As Her Insurance Policy

Brandi Rhodes took part in a media scrum after making her All Elite Wrestling in-ring debut on Saturday night. Brandi won her match against Allie, a point she was not letting people forget while she fielded questions from the media gallery.

Brandi was asked about her thoughts on the final outcome of the match (she won) versus how she was feeling before the bell rang. Brandi said people can try and dwell on her past matches, but the bottom line is she won and got the three count.

“I’d hate to be a broken record here, but I won. You can see it however you want to see it; you can say ‘she had Awesome Kong’ or ‘she’s somebody’s wife.’ Everybody is somebody’s wife, but whatever—I won. In the middle of the ring, there was a three count. That means I’m good.”

As far as what’s next for her, Brandi said All Out is next and that opens up some possibilities. Nothing on the women’s side has been announced for that show yet, but she’s hoping to be involved on the show in some way since she won at Fight For The Fallen. Brandi was also asked if she felt like she contradicted her comments in a Road To Fight For The Fallen pre-match video where she talked about proving herself by bringing Awesome Kong back. Brandi says she didn’t break the rules and called Kong an insurance policy, noting maybe this is on Allie for not having anyone backing her up.

“Is it though? I also said in that video that I’d do whatever it took to win that match, so I think it’s all fair game. There’s no rules that say you can’t have a friend at ringside. The rules say the friend can’t interfere. I’ve seen a lot of people saying ‘because she’s an executive, she brought a friend.’ Allie could have brought a friend. No one stopped Aja from coming in, so maybe she just wasn’t smart enough to bring a friend. I brought a friend, it’s fine.

You have insurance for your medical, right? In case I get sick, I have an insurance card, I can go see a doctor; why on Earth wouldn’t I have that at ringside?”

When asked about Kong’s status with AEW, Brandi said Kong is “a good friend of mine.” She added that Kong is with her “when I need her to be” and said that might mean more for the future, but whenever Kong wants to show up, she can. She added that she doesn’t think she can keep Awesome Kong away from Aja Kong, noting that the two have history before saying time will tell what goes down between them in the future.

Watch the full scrum interview below:

Related: Christopher Daniels Reflects On Loss To CIMA, Allie Sends A Message To Brandi Rhodes

Related: Aja Kong Confronts Awesome Kong At Fight For The Fallen, Brandi Rhodes Wins Her AEW Debut