WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (7/16/19)

July 16, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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WWE Extreme Rules Results!

Earlier today, Shane meets Kevin Owens as he walks into the arena. Shane is surrounded by security. Shane tells Owens to leave. Owens has been barred from the building. Shane doesn’t want Owens around for the Smackdown townhall.

Smackdown Townhall

The entire Smackdown roster is on the stage. Shane says anyone who has a grievance can air it, as long as they are respectful. The first to step up is Roman Reigns. Reigns says no one respects him. Reigns tells Shane he can kiss his ass. Shane says he is going to fine Reigns. Shane calls on Charlotte Flair. Flair thanks Shane for everything he has done. Liv Morgan tells Flair that she is phony. Shane calls on Buddy Murphy. Murphy says he doesn’t need Owens to fight his battles. Shane says he and Murphy will talk later. Shane asks Apollo Crews to step up. Crews says everyone agrees with what Owens said last week. Zelina Vega interrupts and says Crews is sucking up to the WWE Universe. Vega issues a challenge to Crews for a match tonight with Andrade. Elias tries to talk but Big E. calls him a jackass. Kofi Kingston says he doesn’t like Owens but Owens is right. Kingston asks Shane why he isn’t giving anyone else on the stage opportunities. Shane has Kingston’s mic cut and ends the Townhall. Cesaro walks out and says he is here to challenge Aleister Black. Owens sneaks up behind Shane and drops him with the Stunner.

Aleister Black vs. Cesaro

Black and Cesaro trade strikes. Black knees Cesaro in the gut, then lands a head kick. Cesaro rolls out of the ring. Black taunts Cesaro. After the break, Cesaro has Black in a rear chin lock. Black rolls out of it. Black lands an elbow. Leg sweep followed by a sliding knee. Black lands a springboard moonsault for a near fall. Cesaro surprises Black with a roaring European uppercut. Cesaro locks Black in the crossface. Black avoids Cesaro’s corner splash. Pump knee by Black. Black obliterates Cesaro with the Black Mass. Cesaro’s mouthpiece goes flying.

Winner- Aleister Black

Backstage, Dolph Ziggler lobbies to have a match tonight with Owens. Shane says if Ziggler can get Owens back to the building he’s got his match.

WWE SmackDown Live Results Continue On The Next Page!