WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (7/9/19)

July 9, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Earlier today. Dolph Ziggler says he carried Kevin Owens last week just like Ziggler has carried the company the last 10 years. Owens drives up, honking his horn. Owens gets out of the car. Ziggler and Owens argue. Owens punches Ziggler a brawl breaks out. Shane and a few security guards break it up. Shane kicks Owens out of the arena. Shane cancels Owens match against Ziggler tonight.

Backstage, Shane says he canceled the match because Owens instigated the fight Owens had to leave. Shane isn’t sure what the main event is going to be, but he has a few ideas.

Owens jumps the barricade and grabs a mic. Owens says he is tired of being a nice guy. Owens rants about Shane getting more TV time than anyone else. Every time Owens hears Shane calls himself the “Best in the World”. Shane comes out and tells the truck to cut Owens mic. Owens grabs another mic and rips into how terrible Shane is. Shane cuts Owens mic again. Owens picks up a headset and starts naming all of the people Shane is taking TV time away from (Asuka, Buddy Murphy, Kairi Sane, to name a few). Security rushes Owens. Owens escapes through the crowd.

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