WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (6/25/19)

June 25, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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WWE Stomping Grounds Results. Read More Here.

Backstage, Shane McMahon was so afraid of being humiliated again he had to call the Undertaker for help. McMahon says he is going to remind the Smackdown roster to not get on his bad side because he is pissed.

In Ring Segment: The New Day

Kingston says he has experienced some of the most painful moments in the past few months. The cage match against Dolph Ziggler was brutal. Before Kingston could take a victory lap, he was attacked by Samoa Joe. Kingston says Joe is like a force of nature. Joe thinks he is a shark who found his prey but Kingston will be damned if he lets Joe eat him alive. Ziggler interrupts and says he did all the heavy lifting and no one is coming in an stealing his spot. Kingston asks Ziggler how many time he has to beat him. Ziggler knows Kingston knows Ziggler can beat him. Everyone knows Ziggler should be WWE Champion right now. Ziggler tells Kingston that if he beats Kingston tonight he will be added to the title match at Extreme Rules. Tonight’s match is two-out-of-three falls.

Backstage, Miz tries to go into McMahon’s office. Elias stops him. Miz tells Elias to tell McMahon that they need to finish this now. Miz walks away. Shane comes out and Elias tells him what happened. Shane says Miz can have a match with him if Miz beats Elias in a two-out-of-three falls match.

The New Day vs. Daniel Bryan and Rowan

Woods gets a near fall after a dropkick. Rowan tags in and runs over Woods. Bryan and Rowan take turns beating down Woods. Woods manages to tag in Big E. Big E. suplexes everyone. Big E. tries a splash but Bryan gets his knees up and locks in the LeBell lock. Woods breaks up the submission. Woods dropkicks Rowan into the barricade. Bryan tries a corner dropkick but Big E. reverses it into a uranage. The New Day land the Midnight Hour for the win.

Winners- The New Day

After the match, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn attack New Day from behind. The heels all stomp Woods and Big E. Heavy Machinery make the save.

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