WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (4/2/19)

WWE SmackDown Live Results
April 2, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Smackdown Live Results

The Kevin Owens Show: 

Owens welcomes his guest Randy Orton and AJ Styles. Orton says he saved the WWE Universe from having to watch Angle face Styles last week. Styles says that is funny coming from a guy who only knows one move. Orton says he was wrestling at WrestleMania as Styles was wrestling in high school gyms. Styles says that is all true. When Styles was working in high school gyms Orton was getting suspended for failing drug test. Orton says if Styles was as good as he thinks he is Styles would have been in the WWE years ago. Orton says now that John Cena is in Hollywood Styles is WWE’s new corporate bitch. Owens gets up and leaves the ring. Orton and Styles brawl. Styles tries the Phoenominal Forearm but Orton counters it into the RKO.

Aleister Black, Ricochet, and The Usos vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, Rusev, and The Bar

Ricochet tries a hurricanrana but Cesaro counters into a suplex. Ricochet tags in Black, who takes out Sheamus with a springboard moonsault. The Usos double team Sheamus. After a distraction, Sheamus slams Jey. Rusev low bridges Jey after a blind tag. Rusev sends Jey into the ring steps. Rusev launches Jey into the barricade. The heels take turns beating down Jey. After the break, Jey manages to tag in Jimmy. Everyone lands a superkick. Double superkicks by the Usos for the win!

Winners- Aleister Black, Ricochet, and The Usos

After the match, Alexa Bliss walks out on the stage. Bliss tells the Usos that because they forfeit their match against New Day last week they must defend the tag titles against the four teams they were just in the ring with. Another brawl breaks out.

WWE SmackDown Live Results Continue On The Next Page!

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