wwe smackdown live preview

WWE Smackdown Live Results (10/9): Big Show Returns, World Cup Qualifiers Begin, Lynch Defends Against Charlotte, More

WWE SmackDown Live Results
October 9th, 2018
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Becky Lynch (c) vs Charlotte Flair

Flair and Lynch trade submission attempts. Flair bodyslams Lynch. Lynch kicks Flair in the gut. Flair and Lynch trade strikes. Lynch trips Flair. Lynch lands a few leg drops. Flair reverses the last leg drop into a schoolboy. Lynch kicks out. A double clothesline leaves both ladies down on the mat. Flair lowers her head too early and Lynch knee Flair in the forehead. Lynch tries to set up the DisArmHer but Flair counters into a dragon screw leg whip.

Lynch takes Flair down in an armbar. Lynch locks in a modified hammerlock. Flair fights to her feet. Flair almost locks in a Boston crab but Lynch won’t turn over. Flair slingshots Lynch into the corner. Lynch falls to the outside. Flair dives onto Lynch. After the break, Lynch tosses Flair off the top rope. Flair kicks out. Flair kicks out of a Bexploder. Flair lands a few chops. Lynch goes up top. Flair crotches Lynch on the top rope. Lynch clinches Flair’s arm and rolls into an armbar. Flair gets to her feet. Flair lifts Lynch off the mat and drops her with a one-armed powerbomb.

After the break, Flair tries to put Lynch in the Figure Four. Lynch kicks Flair and Flair goes flying into the turnbuckle. Lynch rolls out of the ring and grabs her title. Lynch tries to leave but Flair brings Lynch back into the ring. The referee gets distracted and Lynch grabs the title. The referee says Lynch hit Flair. Lynch denies it. Lynch is almost disqualified. Charlotte Spears Lynch. Lynch kicks out. Lynch rolls out of the ring. Flair misses a moonsault off the top to the outside. Lynch suplexes Flair into the barricade. Flair is almost counted out. Lynch misses a baseball slide. Flair sends Lynch into the barricade. Flair hits Natural Selection back in the ring. Lynch rolls out of the ring before Flair can pin her. Flair and Lynch fight on the outside. The referee counts them both out.

Double Count Out

After the match Flair and Lynch fight up the ramp. Flair spears Lynch through the LED wall under the ‘tron. Officials and referees check on both women.

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