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IMPACT Wrestling Results – August 4, 2022

The show opens with a video package highlighting the latest drama on Honor No More.

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Rosemary

Deonna targets Rosemary’s left arm from the start. Rosemary turns things around to trap Deonna in the ropes upside down. Rosemary takes Deonna down with a slingblade. Deonna counters with the Fujiwara arm bar. Rosemary breaks free and lands a spear. The ref is distracted by Jessicka, which allowed Deonna to roll Rosemary up for the win.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo

Eddie Edwards rallies Honor No More backstage.

Gisele Shaw talks to Gia Miller about being next on Masha Slamovich’s hit list.

Digital Media Championship: Brian Myers (c) vs. Black Taurus

Taurus shoulder tackles Myers and the champ dips to the outside. Myers gets back in briefly but rolls out again only for Taurus to flip out of the ring onto him. After the break, Myers puts Taurus in a headlock on the mat. They trade pins and both kick out. Myers rakes the eyes and then rolls up Taurus for the win.

Winner: Brian Myers (c)

Myers retreats up the ramp but gets tossed back in the ring for a beat from Bhupinder Gujarr.

Jordynne Grace talks to Gia Miller about losing to VXT last week. Jordynne calls Mia Yim an obstacle.

Gisele Shaw vs. Masha Slamovich

Gisele gets a nearfall over Masha early on after an elbow and a knee. Slamovich nails a German suplex. Masha lands the snow plow for the three-count victory.

Winner: Masha Slamovich

Mia Yim addresses Jordynne’s comments when Madison Rayne interrupts and talks about having her nose reconstructed. Yim threatens to kick Madison before Gail Kim interjects. She books Rayne vs. Yim for next week before Yim’s title match at Emergence.

Taya, Rosemary, Jessicka talk it out under a stairwell.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. VBD

Shelley and Deaner start the bout. Doering tags in and elbow drops Shelley. Sabin gets the hot tag in. Shelley eventually comes back in to help Sabin get the pinfall over Doering.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns

After the match, Doering and Deaner beat them down until Kushida makes the save. Eric Young runs out and hits Kushida with a piledriver.

Sami Callihan vs. Raj Singh

Callihan takes Raj to the corner for several chest chops. Sami quickly lands the piledriver and then locks in the chicken wing for the win.

Winner: Sami Callihan

Post-match, Moose’s music hits but Steve Maclin appears on the stage. Moose ambushes Sami in the ring and then Maclin joins the brawl.

Another vignette for Killer Kelly airs as she will make her in-ring debut next week. Below is the updated lineup for August 11:

  • Killer Kelly’s in-ring debut
  • Kenny King vs. Karl Anderson
  • Deaner vs. Kushida
  • Madison Rayne vs. Mia Yim
  • X-Division Championship: Mike Bailey (c) vs. Rocky Romero
  • Contract signing for Josh Alexander vs. Alex Shelley

Bullet Club cut a backstage promo on Honor No More ahead of the main event.

Derby City Street Fight: Doc Gallows vs. PCO

PCO is kicked off the apron onto a couple chairs outside the ring but eventually puts Gallows through a table. They both tear the ring mat up, cutting the bungee cords and stripping the cloth and pads away to expose the boards. Gallows choke-slams PCO through the wood, but PCO gets up before the ten-count. PCO drills Gallows’ head into the exposed boards. PCO fills his glove full of tacks and drives himself into Gallows. PCO sends Gallows into the ring hole and covers him for the win.

Winner: PCO

Related: Chelsea Green On Her Long-Term Goals: I’m Gonna Leave The Door Open For Whatever Comes My Way